
Today there is a lot of hype about converting your home spa to a salt water spa. Before you rush into doing this, there are some things that you’ll want to consider. One of the
things you may want answered is, “Is it that easy?”

Benefits of a Saltwater Spa

There are many reasons why you might want to convert your hot tub into a salt water hot tub. Some of the great benefits of doing so include:

1. It’s a great way in which to relax.

2. There are minerals within sea salt that will get rid of the toxins in your body.

3. Your skin will become softer as it is detoxified.

4. This is beneficial for anyone who has eczema.

5. Any germs will be killed and any bacteria will be prevented from developing without having to add any other chemicals to your hot tub.

Bromine vs. Chlorine

It is only possible to turn your hot tub, not your pool, into a salt water spa. This is because of the way that bromine reacts with oxidizers (i.e. potassium mono persulfate, or
hydrogen peroxide). Bromine will also take a base ingredient (i.e. sodium bromide) and turn it into a free bromine. Chlorine won’t react the same way with oxidizers, at least not
to the same extent. Unfortunately, you can only create your own salt water system if sodium bromide (not chloride) and bromine are being used.

It will require 4 L of sodium bromide (granular or liquid) be added to every 1,000 L of water to create your spa. This will create a sodium bromide (a.k.a. salt) level of betweenapproximately 2,000 to 3,000 ppm. In the same way as you would normally add bromine every 3 days to your hot tub, you’ll need to add oxidizer to it every 3 days as well. Whenever

you add it the oxidizer will then react with the water’s salt to create the chemical, which is known as bromine.

All of this chemistry may sound complex to you now but it’s simply a matter of learning how much oxidizer to add and how often you’ll need to add it in order to maintain a bromine

level that’s between 2 to 10 ppm. Typically, this is between 1 Tsp. and 1 cup of oxidizer every 2 or 3 days but it will depend mainly upon how often you use your hot tub.

How to Convert Your Spa to Saltwater

Now that you have a basic understanding of how to convert any hot tub into a salt water hot tub, if you’re ready to make the switch, here are the steps that you will need to take:

1. You’ll need to purchase a good salt chlorine generator from your local spa store. Once you have one you will find that it’s easy to install within your hot tub. However, it’s

still a good idea to purchase the same model as your hot tub so that you’ll know for sure that it is actually compatible.

2. Take the chlorine generator home and set it up. (If your hot tub is full, you’ll need to drain it first) There will be instructions for you to follow in order to be able to do

3. Turn on your hot tub and allow it to fill up with water. You can then add salt (2.5 lbs of salt per 100 gallons of water).

4. Turn the generator on and allow it to run for a couple of days so that efficiently separate the sodium from the chlorine.

Converting your home spa to a salt water spa really is this easy. You’ll now be able to use your hot tub. It will work just like it did before. Of course, you might now notice a

couple of changes like how soft the water is now and how much less odor there is.

The Bottom Line

Seeing that converting your home spa to a salt water spa really is quite easy and beneficial to your health, you may be ready to make these changes to your hot tub. Now that you

know how easy it really is, there’s no reason not to do so. You only stand to benefit!
